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Test cases

The following is a list of the test cases in the SBML Test Suite. Click on the name of a test to see more information about it and a list of the software tools known in this database to pass that particular test. You can also use the Filter button to focus the list of cases below on a narrower subset.

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23 cases selected — displaying 20 entries

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Name Component tags Test tags Brief summary of model
00960 CSymbolAvogadro, InitialAssignment, Parameter, InitialValueReassigned, Four different ways of writing the avogadro number in an initial assignment.
00961 AssignmentRule, CSymbolAvogadro, Parameter, InitialValueReassigned, Four different ways of writing the avogadro number in an assignment rule.
01000 AssignmentRule, CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, Compartment, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, EventWithDelay, FunctionDefinition, InitialAssignment, Parameter, RateRule, Reaction, Species, Amount, AssignedConstantStoichiometry, AssignedVariableStoichiometry, BoundaryCondition, ConstantSpecies, ConversionFactors, EventIsNotPersistent, EventIsPersistent, EventT0Firing, EventUsesAssignmentTimeValues, EventUsesTriggerTimeValues, HasOnlySubstanceUnits, InitialValueReassigned, LocalParameters, MultiCompartment, NonConstantCompartment, NonConstantParameter, NonUnityCompartment, NonUnityStoichiometry, ReversibleReaction, SpeciesReferenceInMath, A 'kitchen sink' model with 34 tags. Woo-hoo!
01121 AssignmentRule, CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, Compartment, FunctionDefinition, InitialAssignment, Parameter, RateRule, Reaction, Species, Amount, AssignedConstantStoichiometry, AssignedVariableStoichiometry, BoundaryCondition, ConstantSpecies, ConversionFactors, HasOnlySubstanceUnits, InitialValueReassigned, LocalParameters, MultiCompartment, NonConstantCompartment, NonConstantParameter, NonUnityCompartment, NonUnityStoichiometry, SpeciesReferenceInMath, A combination test of almost everything but events.
01316 CSymbolAvogadro, InitialAssignment, Parameter, InitialValueReassigned, Use of a csymbol whose putative ID shadows another parameter.
01323 CSymbolAvogadro, InitialAssignment, Parameter, InitialValueReassigned, Initial assignments that test that the appropriate value for avogadro is being used.
01479 AlgebraicRule, CSymbolAvogadro, Parameter, InitialValueReassigned, Using avogadro in an algebraic rule.
01641 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, InitialAssignment, Parameter, InitialValueReassigned, The csymbols avogadro and time with each other's names.
01658 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, Parameter, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in the trigger.
01659 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, EventWithDelay, Parameter, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in the delay.
01660 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, EventWithDelay, Parameter, EventIsPersistent, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in the trigger.
01661 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, EventWithDelay, Parameter, EventIsNotPersistent, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in the trigger.
01662 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in the priority.
01663 CSymbolAvogadro, EventNoDelay, Parameter, EventT0Firing, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in the trigger.
01664 CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, Parameter, NonConstantParameter, An event with avogadro in an event assignment.
01665 CSymbolAvogadro, Parameter, RateRule, NonConstantParameter, A rate rule that uses avogadro.
01722 CSymbolAvogadro, Compartment, InitialAssignment, Reaction, Species, Amount, AssignedConstantStoichiometry, InitialValueReassigned, NonUnityStoichiometry, A stoichiometry set with reference to avogadro.
01723 CSymbolAvogadro, Compartment, RateRule, Reaction, Species, Amount, AssignedVariableStoichiometry, NonUnityStoichiometry, A stoichiometry change rate set with reference to avogadro.
01762 CSymbolAvogadro, Compartment, Reaction, Species, Amount, LocalParameters, A reaction with a local parameter named 'avogadro'.
01763 CSymbolAvogadro, Compartment, Parameter, Reaction, Species, Amount, A parameter named 'avogadro' as well as the csymbol avogadro.

23 cases selected — displaying 20 entries

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