The SBML Test Suite Database publicizes software systems' support of SBML as determined by their performance on the SBML Test Suite. As a user of SBML and SBML software, you can use this SBML Test Suite Database to find the test results for different software systems. If you are a developer of SBML Software you can also submit results to this database and thereby make them known to the world.
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Test cases
The following is a list of the test cases in the SBML Test Suite. Click on the name of a test to see more information about it and a list of the software tools known in this database to pass that particular test. You can also use the Filter button to focus the list of cases below on a narrower subset.
61 cases selected — displaying 20 entries
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Name | Component tags | Test tags | Brief summary of model |
00930 | Compartment, CSymbolTime, Species, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, | Amount, | Single forward reaction with two species in one compartment and an event |
00931 | Compartment, CSymbolTime, Species, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, | Amount, | Single forward reaction with two species in one compartment and an event |
00934 | CSymbolTime, Compartment, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Species, | Amount, EventIsPersistent, | Single forward reaction with two species in one compartment and an event |
00935 | CSymbolTime, Compartment, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Species, | Amount, EventIsNotPersistent, EventIsPersistent, | Single forward reaction with two species in one compartment and three events |
00952 | AssignmentRule, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, NonConstantParameter, RandomEventExecution, | Competing events with the same priority, jointly causing a parameter to monotonically increase, checking to make sure one event doesn't severly out-compete the other. NOTE: STOCHASTIC TEST. This test is designed to fail only one time in a million, but it still may happen. |
00962 | AssignmentRule, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, NonConstantParameter, RandomEventExecution, | Competing events with the same priority, jointly causing a parameter to monotonically increase, checking to make sure the two events are not exactly evenly distributed. NOTE: STOCHASTIC TEST. Your software may fail periodically; it is only supposed to succeed in the majority of cases. |
00963 | CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, NonConstantParameter, | Competing events with different priorities, meaning one always fires and the other does not. |
00964 | AssignmentRule, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, NonConstantParameter, RandomEventExecution, | Three competing events with the same priority, jointly causing a parameter to monotonically increase, checking to make sure one event doesn't severely out-compete the other two. NOTE: STOCHASTIC TEST. This test is designed to fail only one time in a million, but it still may happen. |
00965 | AssignmentRule, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, EventIsPersistent, EventUsesTriggerTimeValues, NonConstantParameter, RandomEventExecution, | Competing events with the same priority, jointly causing a parameter to monotonically increase, checking to make sure one event doesn't happen too many times in a row. NOTE: STOCHASTIC TEST. This test is designed to fail only one time in a million, but it still may happen. |
00966 | AssignmentRule, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, FunctionDefinition, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, EventIsPersistent, EventUsesTriggerTimeValues, NonConstantParameter, RandomEventExecution, | Competing events with the same priority, jointly causing a parameter to monotonically increase, calculating a chi-squared statistic to ensure randomness. NOTE: STOCHASTIC TEST. This test is designed to fail with a frequency of 0.00002, but it still may happen. |
00967 | CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | NonConstantParameter, EventIsNotPersistent, | Competing events with alternating priorities, so one fires for 5 seconds, then the other fires for the next 5 seconds. |
00978 | CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventIsNotPersistent, EventIsPersistent, EventUsesAssignmentTimeValues, EventUsesTriggerTimeValues, NonConstantParameter, | Several events conspire within the same time step to trigger three events multiple times, with different outcomes. |
00997 | EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | EventT0Firing, NonConstantParameter, | Two events with different 'initialValue's, causing one to fire and one to not fire. |
01000 | AssignmentRule, CSymbolAvogadro, CSymbolTime, Compartment, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, EventWithDelay, FunctionDefinition, InitialAssignment, Parameter, RateRule, Reaction, Species, | Amount, AssignedConstantStoichiometry, AssignedVariableStoichiometry, BoundaryCondition, ConstantSpecies, ConversionFactors, EventIsNotPersistent, EventIsPersistent, EventT0Firing, EventUsesAssignmentTimeValues, EventUsesTriggerTimeValues, HasOnlySubstanceUnits, InitialValueReassigned, LocalParameters, MultiCompartment, NonConstantCompartment, NonConstantParameter, NonUnityCompartment, NonUnityStoichiometry, ReversibleReaction, SpeciesReferenceInMath, | A 'kitchen sink' model with 34 tags. Woo-hoo! |
01119 | CSymbolTime, EventPriority, EventWithDelay, Parameter, | NonConstantParameter, | Competing events with the same trigger and delay, but different priorities |
01169 | AssignmentRule, Compartment, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, RateRule, Reaction, Species, comp:Deletion, comp:ModelDefinition, comp:Port, comp:ReplacedElement, comp:Submodel, | Amount, InitialValueReassigned, NonConstantParameter, comp:ConversionFactor, comp:ExtentConversionFactor, comp:SubmodelOutput, comp:TimeConversionFactor, | A hierarchical model with time, extent, and replacement conversion factors. |
01212 | CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | NonConstantParameter, UncommonMathML, | Priorities with nary relational elements. |
01229 | CSymbolTime, Compartment, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, Reaction, Species, | Amount, NonConstantParameter, | A simple reaction whose identifier is used in an event priority. |
01242 | CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, | NoMathML, NonConstantParameter, | An Event Priority with missing MathML. |
01262 | CSymbolRateOf, CSymbolTime, EventNoDelay, EventPriority, Parameter, RateRule, | NonConstantParameter, | A rateOf csymbol in an event priority. |
61 cases selected — displaying 20 entries
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